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姓 名:胡玉瑛











2009/09-2013/07 华中科技大学,给排水科学与工程专业,本科

2013/09-2018/07 清华大学,环境工程专业,博士


2016/04-2017/04 法国科学研究中心,访问学者

2018/07-2021/12 必赢626net入口首页,讲师

2021/12—至今 必赢626net入口首页,副教授





[4]高固厌氧消化复杂水力条件下传质过程可视化及“流场-传质-运行”优化研究(20202BAB213020),江西省自然科学基金(青年基金项目),主持,结题 ,6万元,2020.01-2021.12

[5]猪粪强化干式厌氧消化关键技术研发(20192BBH80009), 江西省科技厅重点研发计划项目,主持,结题, 10万元,2019.01-2020.12







[1]Hu Yuying, Liu Susu, Wang Xiaofan, Zhang Shihao, Hu Tengfang, Wang Xin, Wang Chuqiao, Wu Jing, Xu Li , Xu Gaoping, Hu Fengping. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste at different solids contentby alkali pretreatment and bentonite addition: Methane productionenhancement and microbial mechanism. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 369: 128369.

[2]Hu Fengping, Zhang Shihao, Wang Xin,Wang Chuqiao, Wu Jing, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping,Hu Yuying*.Quantitative hydrodynamic characterization of high solid anaerobic digestion: Correlation of“mixing-fluidity-energy”and scale-up effect[J]. Bioresource Technology,2022,344:126237.

[3] Hu Fengping, Zhang Shihao, Liu Susu, Wan Liping, Gong Guijin, Hu Tengfang, Wang Xin, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping,Hu Yuying*. Alleviating acid inhibition via bentonite supplementation during acidulated swine manure anaerobic digestion: Performance enhancement and microbial mechanism analysis[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 313: 137577.

[4]Hu Fengping, Zhang Shihao, Wang Xin,Wang Chuqiao, Wu Jing, Poncin Souhila Xu Li, Xu Gaoping,Hu Yuying*, Li Huaizhi,et al. Investigating the role of different materials supplementation in anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste: Performance and microbial community dynamics[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022: 108490.

[5] Hu Yuying, Pan Cheng, Liu Susu, Wang Xue, Zheng Xiaohuan, Hu Fengping, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping, Jian Yan, Peng Xiaoming.Ultra-fast adsorption of radioactive-U(VI) and Cs(I) with high adsorption capacity towards CAA@MgAlFe spongy-like aerogel: Mechanism and application feasibility study[J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022,559: 153463.

[6]Hu Yuying, Zheng Xiaohuan, Zhang Shihao, Ye Wenjie, Wu Jing, Poncin Souhila, Li Huaizhi. Investigation of hydrodynamics in high solid anaerobic digestion by particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics: Role of mixing on flow field and dead zone reduction[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021,319:124130.

[7]Hu Yuying, Zhang Shihao, Wang Xin,Peng Xiaoming, Hu Fengping, Wang Chuqiao, Wu Jing, Poncin Souhila, Li Huaizhi, et al. Visualization of mass transfer in mixing processes in high solid anaerobic digestion using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique[J]. Waste Management, 2021, 127: 121-129.

[8]Hu Yuying ; Wu Jing* ; Li Huaizhi; Poncin Souhila; Wang Kaijun; Zuo Jiane, Study of an enhanced dry anaerobic digestion of swine manure:Performance and microbial community property[J].Bioresource Technology, 2019, 282: 353~360.

[9]Hu Yuying; Wu Jing*; Li Huaizhi; Poncin Souhila; Wang Kaijun; Zuo Jiane, Novel insight into high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure afterthermal treatment: Kinetics and microbial community properties[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 235: 169~177.

[10]Hu Yuying ; Wu Jing* ; Poncin Souhila; Cao Zhiping; Li Zhonghua; Li Huai Z., Flow field investigation of high solid anaerobic digestion by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) [J].Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626: 592~602.

[11]Hu Yuying, Zheng Xiaohuan, Liu Susu, X. Peng, H. Dai, Hu Fengping, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping. Prediction and optimization of adsorption performance of MC@MgAl-LDH for the removal of humic acid from aqueous solution: BBD model and mechanism[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2021, 302: 122377.

[12]Hu Yuying, Wang Min, Hu Fengping, Wu Jing, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping, Jian Yan, Peng Xiaoming. Controllable construction of hierarchical TiO2 supported on hollow rGO/P-HC heterostructure for highly efficient photocatalysis[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2020, 598: 124831.

[13] Wu Jing*;Hu Yuying; Wang Shifeng; Cao Zhiping; Li Huaizhi; Fu XinMei; Wang Kaijun; Zuo Jiane, Effects of thermal treatment on high solidanaerobic digestion of swine manure: Enhancement assessment and kinetic analysis[J]. Waste Management, 2017, 62: 69~75

[14] 胡玉瑛;吴静*;王士峰;曹知平;王凯军;左剑恶,热处理对猪粪高固厌氧消化产甲烷能力的影响[J].环境科学, 2015, (08): 3094~3098

[15]胡玉瑛,王鑫,张世豪,胡锋平,汪楚乔,吴静,许莉,许高平.基于CFD的卧式高固厌氧消化混合策略优化[J].环境工程学报,2022, 16(06): 1933-1943.

[16] 胡玉瑛,张世豪,郑晓环,刘苏苏,许莉,许高平.生物炭对厌氧消化效率及微生物群落的影响研究进展[J].水处理技术,2022,48(03):19-24.DOI:10.16796/j.cnki.1000-3770.2022.03.004.

[17] 胡玉瑛,潘成,郑晓环,刘苏苏,彭小明,胡锋平,许莉,许高平.NiSiO@NiAlFe对不同抗生素的吸附特性研究[J].工业水处理,2021,41(04):56-61.

[18] Li, Z.,Hu, Y., Liu, C., Shen, J., Wu, J. *, Li, H., Wang, K., Zuo, J. 2019. Performance and microbial community of an expanded granular sludge bed reactor in the treatment of cephalosporin wastewater[J].Bioresource Technology, 275, 94-100.

[19] Hu Fengping, Luo Wendong,Hu Yuying*, Dai Hongling, Peng, Xiaoming*. Insight into the kinetics and mechanism of visible-light photocatalytic degradation of dyes onto the P doped mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 794: 594-605

[20] Luo Wendong, Hu Fengping,Hu Yuying, Dai Hongling, Xu Li, Xu Gaoping, Jian Yan, Peng Xiaoming*. Persulfate enhanced visible light photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants by construct magnetic hybrid heterostructure[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 806: 1207-1219.

[21] 胡玉瑛,戴红玲,魏杨,彭小明,胡锋平.基于卓越创新人才培养的给排水一流专业实践教学基地建设与实践[J].给水排水,2020,56(11):157-160.



[1] 一种畜禽粪便的生物处理方法,ZL201510116793.8,发明专利,2017.10.24,中国

[2] 基于CFD模拟与PIV测量的多尺度条件下厌氧消化流场可视化方法及应用,ZL202011014677.2,发明专利,中国

[3] 负载LDHs的分层纳米空心球NiSiO@NiAlFe吸附剂的制备方法及其应用,ZL202010581100.3,发明专利,中国

[4] 一种卧式高固厌氧消化反应器,CN202221240686.8,实用新型专利,中国




[3] 2020年 江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人

