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姓 名:魏星






※ 计算固体力学及工程仿真软件

※ 结构振动与隔振分析

※ 噪声与减噪



2009.09-2014.12 河海大学工程力学系 博士研究生(直博)

2011.09-2012.09 澳大利亚大学工程系 联合培养(国家留学基金委资助)

2011.07-2011.07 西北工业大学航天学院 学习访问

2005.09-2009.06 河海大学工程力学系 工学学士


2022.12-至今 必赢626net入口首页 教授

2020.12-2022.12 必赢626net入口首页 副教授

2019.07-2020.12 必赢626net入口首页 副教授(校聘)

2015.01-2019.07 必赢626net入口首页 讲师


[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,12102135,交通荷载作用下饱和土动力响应分析的快速奇异边界法研究,2022-01-01至2024-12-31,30万元,在研,主持;


[3] 江西省科技厅,江西省引进培养创新创业高层次人才“千人计划”(证书编号:jxsq2019201059),2020-01-01至2024-12-31,100万,主持;

[4] 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,11662003,“结构声学灵敏度分析的有限元法/宽频快速奇异边界法研究”,2017.1-2020.12,36万,结题,主持;

[5] 江西省科技厅青年基金项目,20171BAB211015,“结构声振分析的有限元法/宽频快速奇异边界法研究”,2017.1-2018.12,6万,结题,主持;

[6] 江西省教育厅,青年基金项目,GJJ150511,“快速半解析算法在含大量缺陷材料模拟中的应用”,2016.1-2017.12,2万,在研,主持;

[7] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51978265,基于FE-SEA混合法的无砟轨道路基系统动力特性研究,2020-01-01至2023-12-31,60万元,在研,参与,第三;

[8] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,11772129,基于四边形面积坐标法的复杂结构极限与安定分析研究,2018-01-01至2021-12-31,56万元,结题,参与,第二;

[9] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,11702095,高速铁路软土地基动力软化的微观机理及其对地基长期沉降的影响研究,2018-01-01至2020-12-31,25万元,结题,参与,第二;

[10] 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,51969007,考虑冲击与高应力卸荷的岩爆岩体结构作用机制及其控制方法,2020-01-01至2023-12-31,40万元,在研,参与;

[11] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(11302069),“含大量缺陷的多层介质中弹性波传播的奇异边界法研究”, 2014.01-2016.12,22万,结题,参与;

[12] 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(1077403),“复杂介质分数阶导数力学模型的数值模拟方法和理论”,2012.01- 2015.12,200万,结题,参与;

[13] 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2010CB832702),“复杂装备研发数字化工具中的计算力学和多场耦合若干前沿问题”子课题“材料与结构一体化的热力耦合多尺度模型与算法”, 2009.12-2014.12,结题,参与。



[1] 陈文,付卓佳,魏星,《科学与工程计算中的径向基函数方法》,科学出版社,2015。


1) 期刊论文(部分)

[1] Wei X, Rao C, Chen S, Luo W. Numerical simulation of anti-plane wave propagation in heterogeneous media. Applied Mathematics Letters 2023;135: 108436. (SCI一区)

[2] Wei X, Liu D, Yin S. An Isogeometric Bezier Finite Element Method for Vibration Optimization of Functionally Graded Plate with Local Refinement. Crystals 2022;12(6): 830.(SCI三区)

[3] Wei X, Liu D, Luo W, Chen S, Sun L. A half-space singular boundary method for predicting ground-borne vibrations. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2022;111: 630-43. (SCI一区)

[4] Liu D, Wei X, Li C, Han C, Cheng X, Sun L. Transient Dynamic Response Analysis of Two-Dimensional Saturated Soil with Singular Boundary Method. Mathematics 2022;10(22): 4323. (SCI一区)

[5] Wei X, Luo W. 2.5D singular boundary method for acoustic wave propagation. Applied Mathematics Letters 2021;112: 106760. (SCI一区)

[6] Wei X, Huang A, Sun L, Chen B. Multiple reciprocity singular boundary method for 3D inhomogeneous problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2020;117: 212-20. (SCI一区)

[7] Wei X, Huang A, Sun L. Singular boundary method for 2D and 3D heat source reconstruction. Applied Mathematics Letters 2020;102: 106103. (SCI一区)

[8] Wei X, Sun L. Singular boundary method for 3D time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2019;76: 617-31. (SCI一区)

[9] Wei X, Sun L, Yin S, Chen B. A boundary-only treatment by singular boundary method for two-dimensional inhomogeneous problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2018;62: 338-51. (SCI一区)

[10] Wei X, Chen B, Chen S, Yin S. An ACA-SBM for some 2D steady-state heat conduction problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2016;71: 101-11. (SCI二区)

[11] Wei X, Chen W, Sun L, Chen B. A simple accurate formula evaluating origin intensity factor in singular boundary method for two-dimensional potential problems with Dirichlet boundary. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2015;58: 151-65. (SCI二区)

[12] Wei X, Chen W, Chen B, Sun L. Singular boundary method for heat conduction problems with certain spatially varying conductivity. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2015;69(3): 206-22. (SCI二区)

[13] Wei X, Chen W, Chen B. Minimizing Thermal Residual Stress in Ni/Al2o3 Functionally Graded Material Plate by Volume Fraction Optimization. CMC-Computers Materials Continua 2015;48(1): 1-23.

[14] Wei X, Chen W, Chen B. An ACA accelerated MFS for potential problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2014;41: 90-97.

[15] Wei X, Wen; and Fu, Zhuo-Jia SOLVING INHOMOGENEOUS PROBLEMS BY SINGULAR BOUNDARY METHOD. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 2013;21(1): Article 2.

[16] Zheng H, Lai X, Hong A, Wei X. A Novel RBF Collocation Method Using Fictitious Centre Nodes for Elasticity Problems. Mathematics 2022;10(19): 3711.

[17] Sun L, Wei X, Chu L. A 2D frequency-domain wave based method for dynamic analysis of orthotropic solids. Computers & Structures 2020;238: 106300.

[18] Sun L, Wei X, Chen B. A meshless singular boundary method for elastic wave propagation in 2D partially saturated poroelastic media. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2020;113: 82-98.

[19] Chen B, Wei X, Sun L. The singular boundary method for solving Signorini problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2020;113: 306-14.

[20] Sun L, Wei X. A frequency domain formulation of the singular boundary method for dynamic analysis of thin elastic plate. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2019;98: 77-87.

[21] Chen B, Chen W, Wei X. Characterization of elastic parameters for functionally graded material by a meshfree method combined with the NMS approach. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 2018;26(4): 601-17.

[22] Chen B, Chen W, Wei X. Identification of Elastic Orthotropic Material Parameters by the Singular Boundary Method. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2016;8(5): 810-26.

[23] Chen B, Chen W, Cheng AHD, Wei X. The singular boundary method for two-dimensional static thermoelasticity analysis. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2016;72(11): 2716-30.

[24] Chen B, Chen W, Cheng AHD, Sun L-L, Wei X, Peng H. Identification of the thermal conductivity coefficients of 3D anisotropic media by the singular boundary method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016;100: 24-33.

[25] Chen SS, Xu CJ, Tong GS, Wei X. Free vibration of moderately thick functionally graded plates by a meshless local natural neighbor interpolation method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2015;61: 114-26.

[26] Chen B, Chen W, Wei X. Characterization of space-dependent thermal conductivity for nonlinear functionally graded materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2015;84: 691-99.

[27] Chen W, Fu Z, Wei X. Potential problems by singular boundary method satisfying moment condition. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences (CMES) 2009;54(1): 65.



[1] 饱和多孔半平面单隧道动力分析软件 V1.0,软件登记号(2022SR1191055)。

[2] 2.5维声波散射模拟软件 V1.0,软件登记号(2022SR1349789)。

[3] 基于无网格算法的振动分析软件V1.0,软件登记号(2018SR969707)。

[4] 基于快速无网格算法的声波分析软件V1.0,软件登记号(2018SR969784)。

[5] 基于自适应交叉近似法的矩阵压缩软件(ACATool) V1.0,软件登记号(2012SR021683)。


[1] 江西省“双千计划”科技创新高端人才(青年)

[2] 2021,2022年学院青年教师教学比赛二等奖

[3] 第二批国家级一流本科课程《材料力学》,第四

[4] 2021年全国周培源老员工力学竞赛“省优秀指导教师”

八、 社会兼职与活动



※ 本科生课程:理论力学,材料力学,工程力学

※ 研究生课程:ANSYS应用与开发

※ 指导员工参加全国周培源老员工力学竞赛,多次获国家级二等奖、三等奖、省级一等奖和二等奖,获评第十三届全国周培源老员工力学竞赛江西赛区优秀指导 老师

※ 指导员工参加江西省数学建模、全国研究生数学建模,获省特等奖、一等奖,国家三等奖

※ 指导研究生7人,在研4人,毕业3人。1人次获得政府奖学金,1人次优秀毕业硕士。