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姓 名:万云




1985年生,江西进贤人,博士,博导,防灾减灾研究所副所长,中国复合材料学会高级会员。近五年,发表SCI论文14篇(第一/通讯),其中JCR Q1论文12篇(含4篇中科院Q1 Top),另有发表中文EI检索论文3篇。第一发明人身份申请/授权国家发明专利6项。主持国家/省级项目2项、横向项目6项(总到账经费大于100万),主讲理论力学和材料力学(英文)课程。




2004/08-2015/06 哈尔滨工程大学,飞行器设计与工程/本科;飞行器设计/硕士;固体力学/博士

2015/06-至今 必赢626net入口首页,必赢626net入口首页,讲师/副教授

2013/3-2013/12 香港理工大学,机械工程系,研究助理





[1].Yun Wan, Yihui Liu, Bin Yang* et. al. Failure mechanism of curved composite laminates subjected to low-velocity impact, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023, Doi: 10.1007/s10409-023-23113-x.

[2].万云*, 刘一辉, 姚剑, 等. 碳纤维-金属网增强复合材料低速冲击和界面损伤机制. 复合材料学报,2023,https://doi.org/10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20230222.007.

[3].Yun Wan, Fangxin Wang F *,Bin Yang *, et al. Structural enhancement and repair of CFRP T-joint by the crossembedded SMA wire. Composites Communications, 2023.08.1, 41: 101634.

[4].Yun Wan,Wenbin Lu, Bin Yang*, et al. Tensile behavior of the bolt-jointed GFRP after low-velocity impact. Polymer Composites, 2023, 2023, 44(5): 2645-2655.

[5]. Yihui Liu,Yun Wan*, Shuangxi Zhou, et al. Experimental investigation on the compression-after-double-impact behaviors of GF/epoxy laminates embedded with/without metal wire nets. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 18: e01783.

[6]. Hao Li, Cong Jiang,Yun Wan *, et al. Numerical Study on the Progressive Damage Behavior of the Interfacial Debonding between Shape Memory Alloy and Polymer Matrix. Materials, 2023, 16(1): 168.

[7]. Zuxiang Lei, Chunyu Cheng,Yun Wan*et.al. Low-velocity impact responses and failure mechanisms of CFRP after fire exposure. Composites Communications, 2022, 34: 101277.

[8].Yun Wan, Jian Yao, Zuxiang Lei * et.al. Experimental studies of low-velocity impact behavior on hybrid metal wire net/woven carbon-fiber reinforced composite laminates, Composites Communications, 2022, 32: 101185.

[9].Yun Wan, Wenlong Hu, Bin Yang * et. al. In-situ monitoring of glass fiber/epoxy composites by the embedded multi‐walled carbon nanotube coated glass fiber sensor: From fabrication to application, Polymer Composites, 2022, 43(7): 4210-4222.

[10].Yun Wan, Bin Yang*, Yonghu Huang et. al. Impact and CAI behavior of sandwich panel comprised of foam core and wire nets/glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid facesheets, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2021.09.1, 23(6): 2614-2637.

[11].Yun Wan, Wenlong Hu, Bin Yang * et. al. On-line tensile damage monitoring of WGF/epoxy T-joint by the embedded MWCNT@WGF sensor, Composites Communications, 2021,2.01, 23: 100541.

[12].Yun Wan, Hailong Yang, Bin Yang *et. al. Low-velocity impact damage localization of GF/epoxy laminates by the embedded MWCNT@GF sensor network, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020.7.1, 9(4): 9253-9261.

[13].万云*, 杨海龙, 周双喜, 郑智秋, 陈莘莘, 罗文俊, 黄永虎. 缺陷对纤维金属层板低速冲击性能影响规律. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2020, 41(7): 1022-1028.

[14].Yun Wan, Hailong Yang, Bin Yang* et. al. Mode I interlaminar crack length prediction by the resistance signal of the integrated MWCNT sensor in WGF/epoxy composites during DCB test, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020.5.1, 9(3): 5922-5933.

[15].Yun Wan; Chengyan Diao; Bin Yang*, et. al, GF/epoxy laminates embedded with wire nets: A way to improve the low-velocity impact resistance and energy absorption ability, Composite Structures, 2018.10.15, 202: 818-835.

[16]. Ye Wu,Yun Wan*. The low-velocity impact and compression after impact (CAI) behavior of foam core sandwich panels with shape memory alloy hybrid face-sheets. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2019, 26(1): 517-530.

[17].万云*,童谷生,陈莘莘,魏星,黄永虎. 低速冲击时冲击角度和摩擦对玻纤增强铝板性能的影响. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2018, 39(5): 897-901.


[1]. 一种碳纤维复合材料T型接头及其制作方法、修复方法. 发明人:万云, 姚剑, 姜志远, 黄民睿, 杨斌, 雷祖祥, 2023-4-25, 专利号: ZL 2022 1 0383022.5 (发明专利)

[2]. 一种具有原位监测功能的T形接头构件. 发明人:万云,胡文龙,余粤凯,熊佳强,姚剑,2021-8-24,授权号:CN 214027330 U(实用新型专利)

[3]. 一种具有原位检测功能的桥面板制备装备. 发明人:马灵勇,万云,肖俊,屠汀,2021-8-24,授权号:CN 214027322 U(实用新型专利)

[4]. 一种悬吊减震装置. 发明人: 黄永虎,张红丽,罗文俊,万云, 2019-8-30, 授权号:201810259177.1. (发明专利)

[5]. 一种风车式斜拉索减振系统. 发明人:黄永虎,张红丽,罗文俊,陈莘莘,万云, , 2019-8-30, 授权号:201821932074.9. (实用新型专利)

[6]. 一种落锤式低速冲击试验台. 发明人: 万云,杨海龙,陈莘莘,罗文俊,周双喜,童谷生. 2019-9-6, 授权号: 201920052501.2. (实用新型专利)


[1]. 2020级姚剑,获研究生国家奖学金。

[2]. 2019年指导员工:第四届“光威杯”中国复合材料学会老员工科技创新竞赛,三等奖。

[3]. 2020年指导员工:第五届“光威杯”中国复合材料学会老员工科技创新竞赛,三等奖。

[4]. 2019级胡文龙,获研究生国家奖学金,获校级优秀硕士论文,保送(审核制)同济大学读博。

[5]. 2018级杨海龙,获研究生国家奖学金。