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博士,教授,博士生导师,长期从事低维材料纳观力学行为的基础研究,主持国家科技部重点研发项目子课题和国家自然科学基金等项目8项,在COMPUT METHOD APPL MCOMPOS PART B等高水平国际期刊上发表学术论文/著作47篇,其中SCI收录42篇,Top论文21篇,他因500余次。






2003/092008/07  合肥工业大学,建筑与艺术学院,本科

2008/092013/06  中国科学技术大学,近代力学系/固体力学专业,博士

2009/092013/06  香港城市大学,建筑学及土木工程学系/纳米力学,博士


2019/05-        必赢626net入口首页,必赢626net入口首页,教授

2017/12-2018/02     香港理工大学,土木及环境工程系 ,访问学者

2016/102019/04   暨南大学,电气信息学院,副教授

2013/072016/09   暨南大学,电气信息学院,讲师


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,低维材料非线性动力学行为的原子-连续多尺度泛化模型(No. 12072112)62万,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,六方氮化硼/石墨烯异质结插层机制、多稳态及其转换驱动机制(No. 11702112)22万,主持

[3] 国家重点研发项目子课题,进口新型食品接触材料新发安全因子的风险评估与全供应链措施研究,(No. 2018YFC1603206) 160万,主持

[4] 江西省双千人才计划,创新领军人才长期项目,100万,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金优青培育项目,纳材料的非线性动力学行为,(No. 20202ZDB01001)25万,主持

[6] 江西省杰出青年基金,石墨烯多尺度研究及传感器应用,(No. 20202ACBL214014)20万,主持

[7] 广东省自然科学基金,六方氮化硼的尺度与边界效应、形貌演化及其插层结构形成机理研究(No. 2017A030310183)10万,主持

[8] 广东省自然科学基金青年基金,六方氮化硼/石墨烯异质结形成机理研究 (No. 2016A030310090)10万,主持



1. Liew KM, Yan JW, Zhang LW. Mechanical behaviors of carbon nanotubes: theoretical and numerical approaches[M]. William Andrew, 2016. (Google scholar 8)


1. Yan JW, Zhang W, An atomistic-continuum multiscale approach to determine the exact thickness and bending rigidity of monolayer graphene[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration 514 (2021) 116464.

2. Yan JW, Zhu JH, Li C, Zhao XS, Lim CW, Decoupling the effects of material thickness and size scale on the transverse free vibration of BNNTs based on beam models[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 166 (2022) 108440.

3. Yan JW, Wang JK, Chen HY, Xiang P. High temperature exposure assessment of graphene oxide reinforced cement[J]. Frontiers in materials. 2022, In press.

4. Yan JW*, Hu C, Tong LH, et al. Migration test and safety assessment of polyurethane adhesives used for food-contact laminated films[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2020, 23: 100449.

5. Yan JW*, Chen SY. Mechanical properties of monolayer antimony carbide: A molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 22: 100817.

6. Dong YW, Zhang Y, Yan JW.*, Exact Solutions of Bending Deflection for Single-walled BNNTs Based on Classical Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory, Nanotechnology Reviews, 9 (2020) 1–10.

7. Yan JW, Ye B, Xiang P, et al. Interlayer equilibrium between graphitic nanostructures using continuum modeling approaches[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 78: 886-906.

8. Yan JW, Lai SK, He LH. Nonlinear dynamic behavior of single-layer graphene under uniformly distributed loads[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 165: 473-490.

9. Yan JW*, Tong LH, Luo RJ, et al. Thickness of monolayer h-BN nanosheet and edge effect on free vibration behaviors[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 164: 105163.

10. Li C, Zhang N, Li S, Yao LQ, Yan JW*. Analytical Solutions for Bending of Nanoscaled Bars Based on Eringen’s Nonlocal Differential Law[J]. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2019, 2019.

11. Li C, Zhang N, Fan XL, Yan JW*, Yao LQ. Impact Behaviors of Cantilevered Nano-beams Based on the Nonlocal Theory[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, 7(5): 533-542.

12. Zhang N#, Yan JW#, Li C, et al. Combined bending-tension/compression deformation of micro-bars accounting for strain-driven long-range interactions[J]. Arch Mech, 2019, 71(1): 3-21.

13. Guo HF, Yan JW*, Zhang R, et al. Failure Analysis on 42CrMo Steel Bolt Fracture[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 2019.

14. Yan JW*, Hu C, Chen K, et al. Release of graphene from graphene-polyethylene composite films into food simulants[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 20: 100310.

15. Yan JW, He JB, Tong LH. Longitudinal and Torsional Vibration Characteristics of Boron Nitride Nanotubes[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, 7(3): 205-215.

16. Tong LH, Lai SK, Yan JW, et al. Highly directional acoustic waves generated by a horned parametric acoustic array loudspeaker[J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2019, 141(1).

17. Yan JW, Lai SK. Superelasticity and wrinkles controlled by twisting circular graphene[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 338: 634-656.

18. Guo X, Han JC, Zhang H, Lv XG, Yan JW, et al. Sol-gel synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films under mild conditions[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 697: 361-366.

19. Yan JW, Tong L H, Xiang P. Free vibration analysis of single-walled boron nitride nanotubes based on a computational mechanics framework[J]. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2017, 112: 230-248.

20. Yan JW, Zhang LW, Liew KM. A multiscale computational framework for the analysis of graphene involving geometrical and material nonlinearities[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 310: 208-232.

21. Yan JW, Tong LH, Li C, et al. Exact solutions of bending deflections for nano-beams and nano-plates based on nonlocal elasticity theory[J]. Composite Structures, 2015, 125: 304-313.

22. Yan JW, Liew KM. Predicting elastic properties of single-walled boron nitride nanotubes and nanocones using an atomistic-continuum approach[J]. Composite Structures, 2015, 125: 489-498.

23. Yan JW, Zhang LW, Liew KM, et al. A higher-order gradient theory for modeling of the vibration behavior of single-wall carbon nanocones[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(11-12): 2946-2960.

24. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. Buckling and post-buckling of single-wall carbon nanocones upon bending[J]. Composite Structures, 2013, 106: 793-798.

25. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. Free vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using a higher-order gradient theory[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332(15): 3740-3755.

26. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. Ultra-sensitive analysis of a cantilevered single-walled carbon nanocone-based mass detector[J]. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24(12): 125703.

27. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. A mesh-free computational framework for predicting buckling behaviors of single-walled carbon nanocones under axial compression based on the moving Kriging interpolation[J]. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2012, 247: 103-112.

28. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. Predicting mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanocones using a higher-order gradient continuum computational framework[J]. Composite Structures, 2012, 94(11): 3271-3277.

29. Yan JW, Liew KM, He LH. Analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using the moving Kriging interpolation[J]. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2012, 229: 56-67.

30. Liew KM, Yan JW, Sun YZ, et al. Investigation of temperature effect on the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes[J]. Composite structures, 2011, 93(9): 2208-2212.

31. 颜建伟, 林丹. 单自由度模型苹果脆值的预测[J]. 包装工程, 2019, 40(15):54-61.

32. 胡晨, 颜建伟, 林勤保, 张明, 郭新华. PE-LD/硅烷偶联剂改性石墨烯复合薄膜的制备及性能表征[J]. 中国塑料, 2018, 32(07):58-65.

33. Guo HF, Zhao ZQ, Nan D, Cai YG, Yan JW*. Predicting tensile properties of monolayer white graphene involving edge effect. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42 (2020) 473-1-9.

34. Tong LH, Ding HB, Yan JW, Xu CJ, Lei ZX*. Strain gradient nonlocal Biot poromechanics. International Journal of Engineering Science, 156 (2020) 1-17.

35. Ke WH, Luo WJ, Fang T, Cheng QS*, Xu CJ, Yan JW, A simple closed-form solution for kinematic responses of retaining wall incorporating the effects of shear stiffness of soils, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 134 (2020) 106163.

36. Xiang P, Xia, Q, Jiang LZ, Peng LX, Yan JW, Liu X. Free vibration analysis of FG-CNTRC conical shell panels using the kernel particle Ritz element-free method, Composites Structures, 255 (2020), 112987.

37. Jiang LZ, Liu C, Peng LX, Yan JW, Xiang P. Dynamic analysis of multi-layer beam structure of rail track system under a moving load based on mode decomposition, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2021, 9(7): 1463-1481.

38. 罗任杰, 林勤保*, 颜建伟*, . PET/ PE 复合膜中初级芳香胺及2 种塑料添加剂的迁移研究及安全评估[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(15):121-129.  

39. Wang HP, Song T, Yan JW, Xiang P, Feng SY, Hui D. Improved Analytical Method for Interfacial-Slip Control Design of Steel–Concrete Composite Structures, Symmetry, 2021, 13:1225.

40. Yan JW, Xiong M, Tong LH, Lei ZX. Spontaneous arched graphene under uniaxial compression and bistable interswitch behaviors of single-layer graphene. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2021, Accepted.

41. Zhu CX#,  Yan JW#, Wang PY, Li C. A nonlocal strain gradient approach for out-of-plane vibration of axially moving functionally graded nanoplates in a hygrothermal environment. Shock and Vibration 2021 (2021) 8332125:1-19.

42. Xia Q, Xiang P, Jiang LZ, Yan JW, Peng LX. Bending and free vibration and analysis of laminated plates on Winkler foundations based on meshless layerwise theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2021:1-20.

43. Hou DC, Wang LF, Yan JW, Liew KM, Analysis of a Strain Gradient Plate Model via a Mesh- Free Moving Kriging Interpolation Method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, 135: 156-166.

44. 罗任杰,杨青华,林勤保*,蓝碧锋,颜建伟*,李忠. 60Co-γ辐照后PET/PE复合膜中辐照产物及气味物质分析, 塑料,已录用.

45. Li C, Zhu CX, Sui SH, Yan JW*. A Perturbation Approach for Lateral Excited Vibrations of a Beam-like Viscoelastic Microstructure Using the Nonlocal Theory. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(40):1-14.

46. 于文喜, 颜建伟*, 李智铭, 卢黎芳, 陈衍政, 陈君, 段华伟. 聚乙烯醇/蒙脱土/山梨酸钾活性包装膜制备及释放研究.2021, 包装工程:1-13. (封面论文)

47. Luo RJ, Lin QB, Zhu L*, Yan JW*, Li Z. Detection of primary aromatic amines content in food packaging ink and migration from printed plastic bags, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2022, 32:100820.