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男,19867月生,湖北赤壁人,博士,必赢626net入口首页特聘教授、硕导。2009年获得哈尔滨工业大学工程力学专业工学学士学位,2014年获得中国科学技术大学与香港城市大学联合培养工学博士学位,2017-2019年在德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学从事洪堡学者博士后研究。2018年入选江苏省333高层次人才培养工程,2019年入选江西省高层次人才工程“双千计划”青年引进项目。主持和参与国家及省部级科研项目5项,发表学术SCI论文30余篇,多篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,任Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Composites Part B: Engineering》、《Composite Structures》、《Steel and Composite Structures》、《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》、《International Journal of Mechanical SciencesApplied Mathematics and Computation等学术期刊评审专家。






2005/09-2009/06   哈尔滨工业大学,工程力学,本科

2009/09-2014/06   中国科学技术大学-香港城市大学,工程力学,博士


2019/05-至今   必赢626net入口首页,必赢626net入口首页,特聘教授

2017/06-2019/05 南理工大学,理学院力学与工程科学系,副教授

2017/10-2019/11   德国莱布尼兹大学, 结构分析所,洪堡学者

2015/07-2017/10   香港城市大学苏州研究院,纳米力学,  Research Fellow

2014/07-2017/06   南理工大学, 理学院力学与工程科学系,讲师



[1] 碳纳米管增强复合材料增强机理和损伤力学性能研究,国家自然科学基金委:青年基金,2018.01-2020.12,25万,主持

[2] 碳纳米管增强复合材料层合板壳分层损伤和损伤检测无网格数值模拟研究, 江苏省科技厅:青年基金, 2015.07-2018.06, 20万,主持

[3] 功能梯度碳纳米管增强复合材料层合板壳分层损伤数值模拟研究. 中央高校自主科研专项,2016.01-2017.12,10万,主持

[4] 锂离子电池负极颗粒群扩散应力演化机理研究江苏省科技厅:青年基金,2017.07-2020.06,20万,主要参与人

[5] 锂离子电池负极颗粒群体在锂离子嵌入与脱出过程中力学行为模拟中央高校自主科研专项,2017.01-2018.12,10万,主要参与人




[1]*Lei ZX, LH Tong. Semi-analytical solutions of free and force vibration behaviors of GRC-FG cylindrical shells. Steel and Composite Structures. 2019;32: 687-699.

[2]*Lei ZX, LH Tong. Analytical solution of low-velocity impact of graphene reinforced composite functionally graded cylindrical shells. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2019;41:486.

[3]*Lei ZX, Zhang Y. Characterizing buckling behavior of matrix-cracked hybrid plates containing CNTR-FG layers. Steel and Composite Structures. 2018;28:17-25.

[4]*Lei ZX, Su Q.Q, Zeng HP , Zhang Y, Yu CH. Parametric studies on buckling behavior of functionally graded graphene-reinforced composites laminated plates in thermal environment. Composite Structures. 2018;202:695-709.

[5]Zeng HP, *Lei ZX, Zhang Y, Yu CH. Computation of elastodynamic behavior of a hybrid laminated plate containing CNTR-FG layers and FRC layers under dynamic loading. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2018;90:17-25.

[6]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Modeling large amplitude vibration of matrix cracked hybrid laminated plates containing CNTR-FG layers. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2018;55:33-48.

[7]Lei ZX, Yin BB, Liew KM. Bending and vibration behaviors of matrix cracked hybrid laminated plates containing CNTR-FG layers and FRC layers. Composite Structures. 2018;184:314-26.

[8]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Meshless modeling of geometrically nonlinear behavior of CNT-reinforced functionally graded composite laminated plates. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017;295:24-46.

[9]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Buckling analysis of CNT reinforced functionally graded laminated composite plates. Composite Structures. 2016;152:62-73.

[10]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Parametric analysis of frequency of rotating laminated CNT reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016;90:251-66.

[11]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Vibration of FG-CNT reinforced composite thick quadrilateral plates resting on Pasternak foundations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2016;64:1-11.

[12]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Analysis of laminated CNT reinforced functionally graded plates using the element-free kp-Ritz method. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016;84:211-21.

[13]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Free vibration analysis of laminated FG-CNT reinforced composite rectangular plates using the kp-Ritz method. Composite Structures. 2015;127:245-59.

[14]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Buckling of FG-CNT reinforced composite thick skew plates resting on Pasternak foundations based on an element-free approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2015;266:773-91.

[15]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Vibration analysis of CNT-reinforced functionally graded rotating cylindrical panels using the element-free kp-Ritz method. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015;77:291-303.

[16]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM. Elastodynamic analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015;99:208-17.

[17]Lei ZX, Zhang LW, Liew KM, Yu JL. Dynamic stability analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels using the element-free kp-Ritz method. Composite Structures. 2014;113:328-38.

[18]Lei ZX, Liew KM, Yu JL. Free vibration analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates using the element-free kp-Ritz method in thermal environment. Composite Structures. 2013;106:128-38.

[19]Lei ZX, Liew KM, Yu JL. Buckling analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates using the element-free kp-Ritz method. Composite Structures. 2013;98:160-8.

[20]Lei ZX, Liew KM, Yu JL. Large deflection analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates by the element-free kp-Ritz method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2013;256:189-99.


[1] 德国洪堡学者

[2] 江苏省333高层次人才工程第三层次人才

[3] 江西省“双千计划”高层次人才